The monographs
about artists & cities.

We practice publishing art books, editions, and prints in method with communication design and art since November 2021.
Our publishing focus on matters related to the city and the people living there. How they get inspired, and what they care about in society. Publishing an artist's book bound with works about city life and archiving a society's legacy with an artistic method reflects contemporary cities and their people's life.
Along with our publishing subject, we always consider the book's role as an art piece or design work, depending on its concept.
Based in Seoul and London, inside the design studio Graphicabulary, as an imprint.

- Publishing Areas

  • Artistsโ€™ monographs

    Citiesโ€™ monographs

    City heritage archive series: Closing Ceremony

    Bespoke Publications

  • Exclusive editions of emerging artists

    Exhibition posters by Graphicabulary

    Various edition types; Open, Limited, and Special

  • Art & design goods



- Social Media